The Migration Studies Delegation’s (Delmi) addendum to the Privacy Policy of the Government Offices of Sweden (version 1.0, 2018-05-21)
As a Government committee, the Privacy Policy of the Govenment Offices of Sweden ( 202100-3831) applies to Delmi. In case of any incompatibilities between this addendum and the Policy, the Policy applies.
Delmi’s treatment of personal information
Any entity that conducts public activities should inform how and in what context data about individuals are used. They should also be able to send transcripts from registers upon demand.
To fulfill its operations in line with the committee directives (in short, to produce and communicate studies of relevance to Sweden’s foreign development assistance), Delmi needs to use personal information.
The Data Protection Regulation states that each entity is responsible for its stored data vis-à-vis the registered individual. The information collected by Delmi is processed electronically. Delmi stores the data according to the law of archiving by public authorities.
Delmi holds a list of its existing registers. To access the list, please e-mail us at
How Delmi handles individual information when signing up for Delmi’s send list, ordering of material, and registering for seminars and other events
Personal data (name, organization/employer, position, address, e-mail address) that are provided when signing up for Delmi’s send list, ordering of material, and registering for seminars and other events are saved in the Delmi’s contact register. When Delmi arranges seminars, we will inform you with the invitation that we collect contact information, in order to invite you to similar occasions. We also store address information to send out our newsletter. You approve of the treatment of individual information. You can notify us at any time if you no longer wish to be included in our contact register. Please contact us at or click on the link in the footer in our e-mail messages.
In some cases, Delmi uses trusted third parties to help us manage our website or with other activities.
Data retention
Personal data is pruned, cleared and anonymised on a regular basis. Personal information is collected by Delmi for different reasons and will therefore be saved for periods of different length. Data will not be retained for longer than is necessary.
Your rights
If any information we hold on you is incomplete or incorrect, Delmi I will amend it upon your request.
Depending on the legal basis for our retention of personal data, you may have the right to be removed from our data systems. This implies that you may request to have your personal information deleted if it is no longer needed for the reasons for which the information was collected. Delmi will then delete your details everywhere, except data that Delmi is legally obliged to keep.
You have the right to object the Delmi’s retention and processing of your information to the Swedish Data Protection Authority (DPA).
How to retrieve a copy of the records
At no cost to you, you have the right to obtain information about what information that Delmi holds on you. You can request access to the information through the Government Offices (mail: Regeringskansliet, Förvaltningsavdelningen, 103 33 Stockholm, or via e-mail: Please state your name, civil security number, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address (the one used in previous communication with Delmi or the Government Offices).