Some overall conclusions
- The results indicate that a sense of belonging in relation to people born in the Middle East or Africa leads to lower demands for immigrants to adapt to Swedish customs in terms of child rearing and gender equality, stronger support for immigrants' rights compared to natives. and lower acceptance of discrimination against immigrants.
- According to the analysis, a high proportion of people with a foreign background in the social environment leads to lower demands on immigrants. However, personal contact with people with a foreign background has the opposite effect. Self-placement on the political right-wing scale also tends to lead to a more restrictive view of immigration.
- People who spend a lot of time following news about migration and integration and/or consider the area to be of great importance tend to be more restrictive in their view of immigration, place greater demands on immigrants' adaptation to Swedish customs, and are increasingly supportive of native rights over the rights of immigrants.
About the author
The report is written by Anders Westholm, Professor of Political Science at Uppsala University.
The Delmi Report 2022:5 is launched on August 23, 2022.
Photo by Brian Merrill from Pixabay.