How can we identify policy alternatives for Swedish actors and policy makers by way of analysing scenarios for future international migration in the context of common EU policies and global agreements, in particular the UN’s Sustanaible Development Goals (SDGs)?

This policy brief presents an analysis of the estimated consequences of population-based projections and the implications of scenarios based on more radical global geopolitical changes for Swedish policymaking. Discussing the migration scenarios from the point of view of the different policy instruments available and how policy options may be both spurred and restrained by international agreements and conventions, it concludes that the time is ripe for a reformulation of the Swedish global development agenda to align national goals with the United Nations SDGs on a global level.

The policy brief is written by Niklas Bremberg, Senior Research Fellow at the Europe Programme, Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) and Joakim Palme, Professor of political science at Uppsala University, chair of Delmi.

Photo by Oberaichwald from Pixabay.