Can you tell us briefly about the project you are working on?
We examine the role of diplomatic representations within the return and readmission process. We also analyse existing bilateral and multilateral agreements based on how they can promote a more efficient, humanitarian, and sustainable return and reintegration process.
Can you tell us about the ongoing work in project 1?
We have interviewed various actors in the return process, for example embassy coordinators who are in contact with diplomatic representations and authorities in third countries.
We are also in contact with diplomatic representations in Sweden to understand their role in return and reintegration to the home country. We are very grateful and humbled by the fact that so many have been willing to take time out of their — often crowded — calendars to contribute to our project. We see it as proof of how important it is to make the perspective of the countries of origin visible in the academic and political discussions around return and readmission.
Can you tell us a little about your preliminary results?
We have seen that there are two aspects to the return and readmission process. The first is the operational and logistical aspect, which involves government personnel in Sweden collaborating on specific matters with embassy personnel at the consular level — this is what is called "readmission" or "readmission" in English.
The second aspect – which is really more return policy – is about using various diplomatic tools to encourage and facilitate states to receive their citizens under certain conditions. These tools can vary greatly depending on the country's situation, the composition of the returning group and the existing relations between the countries involved. Best practice can, for example, be observed in the return to the Balkan countries, where there is a well-established and well-functioning cooperation between diplomatic representations and authorities in Sweden and the recipient countries. In general, it can also be seen that there are well-organized reception systems for those returning to the Balkans.
Photo: Delmi