With this report, Delmi wants to contribute to an understanding of how governments, refugees and other stakeholders in the MENA region view the importance of a global agreement on shared refugee responsibility, which in turn can contribute to achieving an effective agreement. This study analyses the perspectives of decision makers, other stakeholders as well as refugees and internally displaced persons based on qualitative data collected on the spot.
Some overall conclusions and recommendations
The study identifies seven areas requiring greater international cooperation. These are:
- Efforts to address the underlying causes of displacement within and across borders
- Efforts to find durable solutions, including resettlement of refugees from host countries to third countries
- Initiatives to identify and implement intermediate solutions, including greater focus on livelihoods and education
- Initiatives to enhance legal and physical protection
- Innovative approaches to the financing of programs for refugees, IDPs and the communities in which they reside
- Operational improvements to aid programs
- Technical assistance and training for host countries, local organizations, and diaspora- and refugee-led organizations.
About the authors
The report, Responsibility sharing for refugees in the Middle East and in North Africa (2017:8), is written by Susan Martin, Professor Emerita in International Migration at ISIM, Georgetown University, Rochelle Davis, Associate Professor, Director, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies Georgetown University, Grace Benton, Research Associate at ISIM, Georgetown University, Zoya Walliany, Master Student Georgetown University.
Picture by Mathias P.R Reding from Unsplash.