The so-called migration crisis of 2015 put the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) to the test, exposing its weaknesses. While Europe struggled to handle some 1.3 million asylum seekers, other countries in the Middle East and northern Africa have taken in great numbers of refugees for a much longer period. Shared solutions regarding the asylum system are urgently needed.

At the seminar arranged by Delmi, three new Delmi reports were presented, all focusing on global responsibility sharing for refugees: Responsibility Sharing for Refugees in the Middle East and North Africa (2017:8), by Susan Martin; Reforming the Common European Asylum System (2017:9), by Bernd Parusel and Jan Schneider, and; A fair Share: Refugees and Responsibility Sharing (2017:10), by Alexander Betts, Cathryn Costello and Natascha Zaun.


Joakim Palme, professor of political science, Uppsala University, and chair of Delmi

Heléne Fritzon, Minister for Migration, Swedish government

Alexander Betts, professor of forced migration and international affairs, and director at the Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford university

Erik Windmar, director at the Prime Minister’s Office

Susan Martin, professor emerita of international migration at ISIM, Georgetown University

Erik Ullenhag, Swedish Ambassador to Jordan, and former Minister for Integration

Bernd Parusel, expert at the Swedish Migration Agency

Jan Schneider, expert at the Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration

Katarina Areskoug Mascarenhas, Head of the European Commission Representation in Sweden

Johan Forsell, Member of the Riksdag, Moderate Party

Sandra Lavenex, professor of European and international politics, University of Geneva

Gregor Noll, professor of international law, Lund University

Mathias Tegnér, Member of the Riksdag, Swedish Social Democratic Party

Kristof Tamas, Head of Delmi