Return and Reintegration
The Migration Studies Delegation (Delmi) is working on a study about the returnees’ own experiences of voluntary and involuntary return, their reintegration process in the country of origin and the support structures that are offered there. The project is financed by The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).
The data will be collected in Afghanistan and Iraq through semi-structured interviews with two groups: 1) individuals who have returned voluntarily and have received re-establishment or reintegration support from the Swedish Migration Agency, and 2) individuals who have returned involuntarily or without reintegration support from the Swedish Migration Agency. The interviews are conducted by a social enterprise in Afghanistan and Iraq, Samuel Hall.
The goal of the project is to contribute to a more legally certain, effective and humane return of third-country nationals, with better knowledge about return migration and reintegration. The study intends to identify the main challenges in relation to the existing support structures. The new knowledge will clarify the strengths and weaknesses in the cooperation between the actors who work with return and reintegration. Emphasis is placed on returnees’ access to information and on the knowledge that they have gained in Sweden in relation to the different support offers.
The project is funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) that will support the EU states in the process of implementing the common asylum and migration policy. Delmi has been granted funding to improve the migration processes within the Return area for the target group of third-country nationals. The final report is expected to be published during the first half of 2021.